Saturday 19 July 2008

Spanish Language Course Reviews

Rocket Spanish

This programme promises to have you speaking Spanish 'confidently and naturally in less than 8 weeks'. I like that they have a realistic time frame. Those that boast they'll have you speaking Spanish like a native in 48 hours or something ridiculous like that just irritate me mightily.

Anyway, what this comprehensive language course offers you is 31 interactive audio lessons at an average of about 20 minutes each lesson, beginner and advanced grammar lessons, a fun, interactive vocabulary game designed to build your Spanish word bank and another audio game designed to help you understand and recognise the spoken Spanish word. (After all, knowing what a word means on paper is very different from hearing it in the middle of fast flowing Spanish conversation.)

On top of all that Mauricio Evlampieff the creator of Rocket Spanish invites you to email him should you experience any difficulties and the members forum is also there to support your Spanish learning experience.

Rocket Spanish is available as an instant download for $99.95 or as a hardcopy 20 cd pack for $299.95 plus shipping.

Personally I'd go for the download version. ;)

Find out more about Rocket Spanish and sign up for the FREE six day course.

Synergy Spanish
This Spanish learning system is by Marcus Santamaria. His philosophy is to teach the language dynamically so you are learning and using words and conversation from the first lesson.

In Synergy Spanish, Marcus claims you need only memorise 138 Spanish words to be able to communicate effectively. Using his methods does build confidence and I particularly appreciate his assertion that at times it is better to be bold than perfect. Marcus goes further and states that if you use the Synergy Spanish system for 56 days and do not find that your Spanish speaking amigos are delighted with your new found ability to communicate then he'll give you a full refund.

At only $59.95 for the instant download and $110 plus shipping for the hard copy, I have to say that Synergy Spanish offers great value for money. While Rocket Spanish is also a fun and interactive system, Marcus's no nonsense approach is very effective.

Find out more about Synergy Spanish